Tuesday, October 6, 2015

100 Miles an Hour

As I sat down to breakfast this morning, I thought I would take a moment and read the daily readings for today. I couldn't help but smile when I saw that today's Gospel reading was about Mary and Martha. I have been on a decision and to-do list roller coaster this past month and knew that God was speaking to me very clearly in this message. It seems lately that my mind races like Martha's, longs to be still like Mary's, but all the while feels guilty about taking a "time out."

God’s message is alluring and gentle: “You don’t have to go 100 miles an hour, all. the. time. Slow down. Slow down.” However, I feel guilty when I don’t go 100 miles an hour. I look at my husband who works so hard and think: “I’m not going fast enough.” I look at my friends who are excelling in life and career and think: “I’m going too slow, I need to move faster.” I look at yesterday’s to-do list, see too few items checked off, and think: “I’m way behind here,” and that old friend, Guilt, comes and whispers these phrases of failure to me in a continuous repeat.

This isn’t the way God wants us to feel. He doesn’t want us to be weighed down by these negative and destructive statements. He comes in today’s Gospel and whispers a new phrase to us: “Slow down, my dear, slow down. Breathe. Come rest. Relax back a while and let me love you.”

We don’t all have this luxury, do we? Some of us have young children, fast-paced careers, families, responsibilities, duties. Yes, we must do them, yes we must attend to our daily tasks. But let us let God’s words soothe and soften our hearts, and think about how we can respond accordingly in the manner each of us is capable. Could you find 5 minutes, or even one, to be still, and close your eyes, and picture God’s love washing over you like a warm, smoothing wave? Perhaps you don’t have to be on edge, tense your muscles, clench your teeth, and compulsively race through your day. Perhaps you could be a little gentler on yourself and move through your daily tasks in a calm and focused way. Instead of mentally flogging yourself at your failures, let your Father’s hands fall softly on your shoulders, let Him look into your eyes and let Him say: “My child, it’s okay. It’s okay. I am proud of you and I love you just as you are. I see you, and not your failures. Let me love you a little while. Guilt has no place here- let it go.”

Your Father is kind and loving, and He understands you and your mind. He knows you are trying your best, He knows when you are too exhausted to try, and He knows how much you hate yourself when you fail. What He comes to us today and says is that we don’t have to go so fast all the time; it’s OK to be Mary, not just sometimes, but dare I say it, all the time. Mary’s mind is focused on love, Martha’s mind is focused on loving service. Martha’s goal is just as noble and good as Mary’s, but Mary has allowed herself to slow the pace. She permits herself to recline at Jesus’ feet and be nourished and filled to the brim. We must first take a breath before we can exhale it out- we must first take in the embrace of love before we can give it away.

If you are frazzled, if you are anxious, if you are worried and overwhelmed, Jesus invites you today to slow… down. Relax at His feet; be renewed and refreshed. Release your guilt; it will most likely try to pull you away from this much-needed pause. Reassure yourself that this is what God wishes for you- He wants you to come into His arms, lay down your burdens and troubles, and be embraced. 10 seconds, 5 minutes, half an hour- whatever you can spare, allow yourself permission today to slow down, relax, and be loved.

“One thing is needful. Mary has chosen the good portion, which shall not be taken away from her.” –Luke 10:42

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